Our school Glen Innes has just joined the Manaiakalani cluster of school and we had got our very frist netbooks last term. Every year we are going to make a movie for the festival to share our learning. This is our first movie that we have made in the Manaiakalan Film Festival. Our movie is called GI Boot Camp. We finished our movie in the holiday at school. I was very happy when we had made our movie and look forward to see it on the big screen.
G.I. Bootcamp from Glen Innes School on Vimeo.
We are a class of Year 6 and 7 students at Glen Innes School in Auckland "The city of Sails" New Zealand. Our teacher is Mrs Manor Ramkolowan
Thank you for visiting our blog, you are welcome to leave a comment. Find out more about our learning on our class site.
Friday, 16 November 2012
Thursday, 15 November 2012
G.I. BootCamp by Devonn
For the first time in history Glen Innes School has made a film called GI Boot Camp for the Manaiakalani Film Festival in 2012. The movie is a fun and enjoyable film and is made by students from Room 11 and 12. So watch the film and comment on it please. Thank you for reading my blog and I really hope you watching our movie!
G.I. Bootcamp from Glen Innes School on Vimeo.
G.I. Bootcamp from Glen Innes School on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Triathlon at the movies by Britney
In the school holidays we worked with Mr Ramkolowen to finish a movie for the Manaiakalani festival. Our movie features events, activities and learning from this interesting year. One of the events that features in our movie is triathlon.
Triathlon is a great event to compete in and for fitness. Triathlon includes three code sports a swim, bike and run. Triathlon is known a lot all over the world and this year they had the championship triathlon at The Cloud in Auckland.
I am looking forward to seeing the movies from other Manaiakalani schools today.
G.I. Bootcamp from Glen Innes School on Vimeo.
Triathlon is a great event to compete in and for fitness. Triathlon includes three code sports a swim, bike and run. Triathlon is known a lot all over the world and this year they had the championship triathlon at The Cloud in Auckland.
I am looking forward to seeing the movies from other Manaiakalani schools today.
G.I. Bootcamp from Glen Innes School on Vimeo.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Chocolate choice not a suprise by Daroma
I think children like chocolate so that is the reason they like chocolate ice-cream.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Go Happy Monkey & Tank Trouble by Langa
Walt: Write a report on my survey.
Last month I decided to find out what is the favourite game of the children's at Glen Innes? I went around personally and asked them what is their favourite game on the computer? My target was to survey kids from Glen Innes. 25 children were surveyed.
The results showed that most children's favourite game on the computer was Friv and Other which was equal. Cool Maths Games and Go Happy Monkey was the same that was also equal and the least popular game was Tank Trouble. Friv and Other was the most popular games at Glen Innes.
Ten people voted for Friv because their are many games for them to choose. There were also ten kids who chose other games because they did not like the games that I chose.
Last month I decided to find out what is the favourite game of the children's at Glen Innes? I went around personally and asked them what is their favourite game on the computer? My target was to survey kids from Glen Innes. 25 children were surveyed.
The results showed that most children's favourite game on the computer was Friv and Other which was equal. Cool Maths Games and Go Happy Monkey was the same that was also equal and the least popular game was Tank Trouble. Friv and Other was the most popular games at Glen Innes.
Ten people voted for Friv because their are many games for them to choose. There were also ten kids who chose other games because they did not like the games that I chose.
Monday, 29 October 2012
Scrumptious Curry by Saloma

A few weeks ago I carried out my survey and asked Glen Innes students what is your favourite food to eat? I approached the student personally. 25 students were surveyed.
I used excel to draw my 3 D graph. My data was represented in a column graph.
I revealed that most student like to eat butter chicken. Other was second and kebabs was third. The least popular is hot chips and sausages.
I think that the students like butter chicken the most because it is scrumptious and it’s got chicken and curry.
Friday, 26 October 2012
Carter versus Williams by Blade
Last month I found out the kids and teachers favourite All Black player at Glen Innes School. I went around the school and asked the children and teacher.Fifty
children and some teachers were surveyed.
I used excel to draw my 3D graph. My data was represented in a column graph.
I surmised that Dan Carter is the most favourite All Black player. Sonny Bill Williams came 2th and Ma'a Nonu came
3th with the least liked being John Kirwan. I think that John Kirwan was the least liked because most of the children don’t know him. Maybe he will be known because he will be the Blues coach next year. I think that Dan Carter got the most votes because he is a very good kicker.I think that most people like him because he is so fast.
children and some teachers were surveyed.
I used excel to draw my 3D graph. My data was represented in a column graph.
I surmised that Dan Carter is the most favourite All Black player. Sonny Bill Williams came 2th and Ma'a Nonu came
3th with the least liked being John Kirwan. I think that John Kirwan was the least liked because most of the children don’t know him. Maybe he will be known because he will be the Blues coach next year. I think that Dan Carter got the most votes because he is a very good kicker.I think that most people like him because he is so fast.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Energetic Songs by Britney
Recently I
decided to carry out a survey. Targeting the children and staff of Glen Innes
School. My question was “Who is their favourite R & B singer?”. I
personally went around asking room 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 that question. Fifty children
were surveyed.
I used excel
to draw my 3 D graph. My data was represented in a pie graph.
Based on the
results most children and staff voted for Chris Brown. Ne- Yo had the least
votes with 0.
I believe
that most children and staff chose Chris Brown because he has energetic songs.
Maybe Ne-Yo was voted the least favourite because he isn’t as popular as Chris Brown.

Thursday, 18 October 2012
Skinny Jeans and Long Dresses by Mikayla
A few weeks ago I went to girls to find out what was their favourite dresswear?. My target was to go to the middle school and the seniors. I surveyed about 50 children and teachers at Glen Innes School.
The results revealed most liked Skinny Jeans. The least popular was Long Dresses. It must be unpopular because it is old fashion. On my survey it other came second, short came third and skirts came fourth.
I fervently think that people liked Skinny Jeans because it is new fashion. I used excel to do my graph. My data was represented in a coloumn graph.
Monday, 15 October 2012
What is your Favourite Fast Food? by Trey
Last month I took a survey around to the Glen Innes teachers and children and found out what is their favourite fast food?
I personally took the survey sheet to the teachers and to the children in room 7,8,9,11 and room 12. Fifty people at Glen Innes were surveyed.
I used excel to draw my 3D column graph.
The result showed that the most populr fast food that the children and teachers liked was pizza. The least favourite fast food that the children and teachers liked was the pies.
I think that the teachers and children liked pizza because it was the most healthy.
Saturday, 13 October 2012
What is your favourite cereal? by Alisi
I used excel to draw my 3D graphs. My data was represented in cylinder graph and a pie chart.
The results revealed that other was the most popular choice. Coco pops came in second and Milo came in third place. The least liked breakfast choices were Cornflakes and Rice bubbles.
I think other was the most popular because maybe Weetbix or muesli, or some other healthy choice is enjoyed. Possibly the other brands are much cheaper and more tasty.
Monday, 8 October 2012
What is your curfew? by Clearissa
Walt: write a report about on my survey.
Survey and report
Recently, I came up with an idea to figure out what time the students at Glen Innes school, would like to go home? I came up with only 5 ideas. At lunch time and morning tea, I walked around searching for students and their answers. Fifty students were surveyed.
I used excel to draw my graph. My data was represented in a column graph.
The results revealed that the students mostly ticked other. The 2nd time was 5:00 pm and 3rd was 6:30pm. The two least best time was 5:30 pm and 6:00 pm. 5:30 pm had 1 student and 6:00 pm had zero.
Most children probably voted for other because they don't play or they don't come back till very late. The other reason is because the parents don't care or the children just don't listen.
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
A bit tricky by Crystal

A few weeks ago I decided to find out “Who is your favourite teacher in Glen Innes School?” I used excel to draw my 3D graph. My data was represented in a column graph, it was a bit tricky but I got the hang of it. My target group was the seniors of our school.
I took the survey sheet around myself and personally asked them. 25 children were surveyed. I surmised that Mrs Barry is the most popular teacher. Mr Ramkolowan was the 2nd favourite teacher but the least favourite teachers were Mrs Webster, Mrs Manu and Mr Naidoo.
I think that most of the children chose Mrs Barry because she is the Sports Teacher and she is very fun to be around, hilarious and is very good at making connections with children.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Cricket or Rugby? by Robin
Last month I decided to find out what sports the seniors liked. I asked the children one
by one.
I surveyed 25 children. The results are as follows.10 children liked rugby. 6 children liked soccer.3 children liked touch. 7 children like other kinds of sports.
Rugby is the popular sport. Cricket was the least popular.
I think that children liked rugby because they like playing it .
Monday, 1 October 2012
Hard materials is so exciting by Matthew

On most Mondays the year seven students from room 11 and room 12 go to technology after morning tea. We go on a bus. It is at Tamaki College. Our teacher is Mr Grundy. Mr Grundy handed out some paper to everyone We were in a workshop. We used a saw to cut the wood. A try square is what we used to make our joints straight. We used a bench vice to clamp the wood in place before cutting it with a saw. Four people sit at each bench. Firstly, we have to plan our housing joint. Secondly, choose your best joint and draw it big on a big piece of paper. Thirdly, make your joint.
Hard materials is so exciting. I am making a rubbish truck. The part that I enjoyed the most was designing the five ideas.
Friday, 28 September 2012
Accurate Measurements by Mary
This week in technology we are learning how to construct a joint. Every Monday mornings the year 7 students go to Tamaki College. We go by bus to Tamaki College.
The first process was planning. I found the planning very easy because all we had to do was think of what you are going to make. I drew my five ideas. All the measurements has to be accurate. If you make a mistake your project will be ruined.
The second process was to learn the safety rules. The first and most important rule is don’t fiddle because if you fiddle you’re not going to finish your work or pay attention to the teacher. The next rule was stools in. If your stool is not in Mr. Grundy will take the stool away from you and you would have to stand up for the whole lesson. The final rule is closed shoes. If you don’t have closed shoes you could get hurt when using tools and it won’t be Mr Grundy’s fault it would be your fault because you didn’t follow the rules. Following the rules is really important because if you don’t you're going to get yourself hurt.
I enjoy technology because we get to do lots of fun stuff and my classmates enjoy it, too. I think we should stay at hard materials because it just so much fun and the things we make we get to keep.
The first process was planning. I found the planning very easy because all we had to do was think of what you are going to make. I drew my five ideas. All the measurements has to be accurate. If you make a mistake your project will be ruined.
The second process was to learn the safety rules. The first and most important rule is don’t fiddle because if you fiddle you’re not going to finish your work or pay attention to the teacher. The next rule was stools in. If your stool is not in Mr. Grundy will take the stool away from you and you would have to stand up for the whole lesson. The final rule is closed shoes. If you don’t have closed shoes you could get hurt when using tools and it won’t be Mr Grundy’s fault it would be your fault because you didn’t follow the rules. Following the rules is really important because if you don’t you're going to get yourself hurt.
I enjoy technology because we get to do lots of fun stuff and my classmates enjoy it, too. I think we should stay at hard materials because it just so much fun and the things we make we get to keep.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Weird and Wacky Food Festival by Kelvin
Walt: Write a summary.
Weird and Wacky Food Festival
It is about a wacky and bizarre food festival. A Tomato Festival is a food fight festival and it is held in Spain.The Tomato Festival is the biggest festival in the whole wide world and it was made a long time ago and it is in August on the last Wednesday.They have tons of tomatoes that can fill up the whole street. The Radish Festival was held in Mexico and it was held years ago. It is on 23 December at night.The festival lasts a few hours because radishes or vegetables don't last long. The people use the radishes to make sculptures. I think we should have a weird and wacky tomato festival in New Zealand every year. The roads and the people will be covered in tomatoes.
It is about a wacky and bizarre food festival. A Tomato Festival is a food fight festival and it is held in Spain.The Tomato Festival is the biggest festival in the whole wide world and it was made a long time ago and it is in August on the last Wednesday.They have tons of tomatoes that can fill up the whole street. The Radish Festival was held in Mexico and it was held years ago. It is on 23 December at night.The festival lasts a few hours because radishes or vegetables don't last long. The people use the radishes to make sculptures. I think we should have a weird and wacky tomato festival in New Zealand every year. The roads and the people will be covered in tomatoes.
Monday, 24 September 2012
Friday, 21 September 2012
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Healthy Choices
Poster by Devonn

Dear Chris Wood
Thank you for the providing the food for Glen Innes school. Thank you for the carrots, cheese, ham, tuna, cucumber and lettuce. It was fun making sandwiches.
I appreciate what you done for our school. Therefore I will like to say a big thank you for the fillings.
Yours sincerely
Dear Chris Wood
Thank you for the providing the food for Glen Innes school. Thank you for the carrots, cheese, ham, tuna, cucumber and lettuce. It was fun making sandwiches.
I appreciate what you done for our school. Therefore I will like to say a big thank you for the fillings.
Yours sincerely
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Messages for the New Zealand Olympic Team
Some messages Room 11 posted for the New Zealand Olympic Team last week. Visit our student blogs to read more. Links are on the right ------>
Hello Valerie, I just wanted to say you tried your best and won a silver medal for New Zealand. You're still a winner to us and remember we are proud of you Valerie.
from Claudia
New Zealand is proud of you Valerie. You tried your best. Silver is not bad. You chose the right sport. You are a NZ star. Congratulations on winning a silver medal.
from Chase
Val, to me you are an inspiration. You are a huge role model to everyone. There is no need to be sad because at Glen Innes School you are still a star. You encourage everyone to be like you. You are very good at shot put so there is no need to give up on your dreams.
from Arihi
Congratulations Val on getting a silver medal. Val don't feel disappointed or sad. Just be proud of your performance out there. All of us in New Zealand are proud of you. You are my role model.
from Alisi
Hello Valerie, I just wanted to say you tried your best and won a silver medal for New Zealand. You're still a winner to us and remember we are proud of you Valerie.
from Claudia
New Zealand is proud of you Valerie. You tried your best. Silver is not bad. You chose the right sport. You are a NZ star. Congratulations on winning a silver medal.
from Chase
Val, to me you are an inspiration. You are a huge role model to everyone. There is no need to be sad because at Glen Innes School you are still a star. You encourage everyone to be like you. You are very good at shot put so there is no need to give up on your dreams.
from Arihi
Congratulations Val on getting a silver medal. Val don't feel disappointed or sad. Just be proud of your performance out there. All of us in New Zealand are proud of you. You are my role model.
from Alisi
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Thanks A Lot! by Trey
Dear Mum
Thank you so much for paying for the netbook. It was very worth it. The netbook will help me towards my learning at school.
When I do writing at school it helps me get stronger words for writing. It will help me increase my typing speed. It will also correct my writing if I spell it incorrect. This will help a lot with my speeches.
In maths, it will help me learn more word strategies which is difficult for me in class. I can find some math websites to do more work on.
From now and on I will take care of it everywhere I go. I really appreciate this gift.
Your Child
Friday, 10 August 2012
A huge thanks... by Arihi
Dear Parents
Thank you so much for spending all your money on me for the netbook. It really will help me learn a lot in maths, reading and writing.
Having a netbook will really help me learn my maths because if I don’t get something I can search it up. Now I have my netbook I can learn my 4, 6, 7 and 8 times tables. It is a lot easier than it used to be. I can also search up games like fraction games or division games to help learn a lot.
Reading is a lot easier as well because I can read online stories and play reading games.The netbook has a lot of amazing reading games on it and I play some of them to correct my reading comprehension.
Now that we have our netbook we can write on google docs or word. We don’t have to use our books anymore so having a netbook is really wonderful.
I promise that I will always look after my netbook and never break it and be responsible. I am really grateful that you brought me one and I will always listen to you.
Your child
Thank you so much for spending all your money on me for the netbook. It really will help me learn a lot in maths, reading and writing.
Having a netbook will really help me learn my maths because if I don’t get something I can search it up. Now I have my netbook I can learn my 4, 6, 7 and 8 times tables. It is a lot easier than it used to be. I can also search up games like fraction games or division games to help learn a lot.
Reading is a lot easier as well because I can read online stories and play reading games.The netbook has a lot of amazing reading games on it and I play some of them to correct my reading comprehension.
Now that we have our netbook we can write on google docs or word. We don’t have to use our books anymore so having a netbook is really wonderful.
I promise that I will always look after my netbook and never break it and be responsible. I am really grateful that you brought me one and I will always listen to you.
Your child
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Dear wonderful family - by Robin
Dear Nan and family
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for this wonderful netbook that I just received. I promise I will not muck about on it. I will use this netbook for things like maths. The netbook use will help me with fractions,divisions and multiplication. It will also help me with writing.
This will help me with reading online stories as well.
I will care for it like I care for you Nan. I will also be responsible for it.
Your child
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for this wonderful netbook that I just received. I promise I will not muck about on it. I will use this netbook for things like maths. The netbook use will help me with fractions,divisions and multiplication. It will also help me with writing.
This will help me with reading online stories as well.
I will care for it like I care for you Nan. I will also be responsible for it.
Your child
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Great Appreciation for Mum - by Alisi
Dear Mum
Thank you very much for buying my netbook. I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity to learn something new every day.
In maths my netbook will help me to order fractions, convert fractions into decimals, add integers and convert percentages to decimals. I will learn maths better now that I have a netbook.
In reading, my netbook will help me to read higher levels, improve my spelling and comprehension.
In writing, my netbook will help me to learn more about metaphors and personification. And write more descriptive words and longer stories.
Once again thank you very much mum for doing all the paperwork and for caring so much about me by getting this netbook.
Your child
Thank you very much for buying my netbook. I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity to learn something new every day.
In maths my netbook will help me to order fractions, convert fractions into decimals, add integers and convert percentages to decimals. I will learn maths better now that I have a netbook.
In reading, my netbook will help me to read higher levels, improve my spelling and comprehension.
In writing, my netbook will help me to learn more about metaphors and personification. And write more descriptive words and longer stories.
Once again thank you very much mum for doing all the paperwork and for caring so much about me by getting this netbook.
Your child
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Striving to Succeed - by Devonn
Dear Mum and Dad
Thank you Mum and Dad for spending your money on my education. I really appreciate it.
The netbook will help me on my fractions and percentages and ordering fractions in maths.
I will improve in my comprehension and my skimming and scanning for reading.
It will make me improve heaps in my letter formation and my persuasive writing for writing.
This netbook that you put money forward for has changed my life so I will play a big role of being responsible and keep this netbook safe.
Your child
Thank you Mum and Dad for spending your money on my education. I really appreciate it.
The netbook will help me on my fractions and percentages and ordering fractions in maths.
I will improve in my comprehension and my skimming and scanning for reading.
It will make me improve heaps in my letter formation and my persuasive writing for writing.
This netbook that you put money forward for has changed my life so I will play a big role of being responsible and keep this netbook safe.
Your child
Monday, 6 August 2012
A big appreciation for parents - by Saloma
Dear Parents
Thank you for buying Jalal and I a netbook. I’ve always wanted a netbook but my dream came true.
In maths my netbook could help me on my divisions and fractions by going on mathzone or by going on maths games or even by going on online eduss.
In reading my netbook could help me on my comprehension when I am reading online stories. For writing my netbook could help me when I am in word and type faster.
I will take care of it, be responsible and respectful and make sure it is safe. So thank you and I really really really appreciate it.
Your Child
Thank you for buying Jalal and I a netbook. I’ve always wanted a netbook but my dream came true.
In maths my netbook could help me on my divisions and fractions by going on mathzone or by going on maths games or even by going on online eduss.
In reading my netbook could help me on my comprehension when I am reading online stories. For writing my netbook could help me when I am in word and type faster.
I will take care of it, be responsible and respectful and make sure it is safe. So thank you and I really really really appreciate it.
Your Child
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Our messages to the New Zealand Olympic Team
Room 11 cheering for the NZ Team! |
We are following all the Olympic news online and on TV and hope the New Zealand Team win lots of medals.
We have left a message of support for the New Zealand Olympic Team on the One News Message Board.
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Huge thanks to my parents - by Chase
Dear Parents
Thank you for paying for my netbook.
The netbook is going to help me learn new things. I was excited when I got my netbook. I was getting tired of writing in books. Now I have a netbook I don’t have to write again, I can just type.
I am extremely happy to have my own netbook. I am more interested in division, addition, subtraction and multiplication because it has harder online activities. My writing is almost getting better and also my spelling.
You are the best parents ever.
Your son
Thank you for paying for my netbook.
The netbook is going to help me learn new things. I was excited when I got my netbook. I was getting tired of writing in books. Now I have a netbook I don’t have to write again, I can just type.
I am extremely happy to have my own netbook. I am more interested in division, addition, subtraction and multiplication because it has harder online activities. My writing is almost getting better and also my spelling.
You are the best parents ever.
Your son
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